Eph's Den of Many Sims

Downloads for the Sims1 computergame
Last additions - Decorative Objects / Dekorative Objekte
Potted plants / Topfpflanzen 3291 viewsMay 23, 2016
Statues / Statuen2323 viewsJul 16, 2012
Fish tanks / Aquarien1802 viewsJun 08, 2012
Zeppelin / Luftschiff1604 viewsJun 08, 2012
Windowsills / Fensterbänke1541 viewsJun 08, 2012
Caribbean boats / Karibische Boote1641 viewsJun 08, 2012
Small fountains / Kleine Fontänen1674 viewsJun 08, 2012
Windowsills / Fensterbänke1513 viewsJun 08, 2012
Seekers paintings / Seekers Gemälde1389 viewsJun 07, 2012
Easter set / Osterset1807 viewsJun 07, 2012

Home > Decorative Objects / Dekorative Objekte

Potted plants / Topfpflanze­n


Potted plants and flowers for house and garden.
Topfpflanzen und Blumen für drinnen und draußen.

31 files, last one added on May 23, 2016
Album viewed 1753 times

Pictures / Bilder


Pictures and other art pieces that go on walls.
Bilder und andere Kunstwerke, die an Wände gehängt werden.

25 files, last one added on Jun 07, 2012
Album viewed 1394 times

Rugs / Teppiche


21 files, last one added on May 31, 2012
Album viewed 1475 times

Home textiles / Heimtextili­en


Curtains, volants, pillows, towels...
Gardinen, Vorhänge, Kissen, Handtücher...

28 files, last one added on May 31, 2012
Album viewed 1707 times

Christmas / Weihnachten


Decorative items for Christmas.
Dekorative Objekte für Weihnachten.

10 files, last one added on May 31, 2012
Album viewed 1373 times

Vehicles / Fahrzeuge


Cars, scooters, bicycles and whatever else gives the impression of mobility to your sims. I noticed that although I've categorized them as deco some of the cars can be washed for fun, but I can't remember which.
Autos, Motorroller, Fahrräder und alles was deinen Sims sonst noch den Anschein von Mobilität geben kann. Ich habe bemerkt, daß einige der Autos - trotz meiner Einordnung als Deko - zum Spaß gewaschen werden können, aber ich kann nicht sagen welch genau.

20 files, last one added on Jun 01, 2012
Album viewed 1813 times

Misc deco / Verschieden­es


Everything that doesn't fit the other categories. Statues, fountains, plushies, kitsch...
Alles was woanders nicht paßte. Statuen, Brunnen, Plüschtiere, Kitsch...

33 files, last one added on Jul 16, 2012
Album viewed 2312 times


7 albums on 1 page(s)